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Non-Credit Reform Accounts

A Non-Credit Reform Account is an account that does not fall under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA), as amended, for which a federal agency has been granted authority by law to borrow from Treasury.

New Accounts: Preparing to Borrow

To Establish Treasury Account Symbols

Agencies with new borrowing authority should contact:

More information:

  • OMB Circular A-11 Section 79.4 (How do I request new accounts, changes to existing accounts from OMB?)
  • Treasury Financial Manual Chapter 1500 (Description of Accounts Relating to Financial Operations)

To Establish a New Non-Credit Reform Borrowing Agreement

Prior to borrowing, borrowing agencies for Non-Credit Reform accounts must work with the Department of the Treasury, including Fiscal Service's Federal Investments and Borrowings Branch (FIBB), to establish a borrowing agreement. The borrowing agreement will incorporate:

Agencies can contact FIBB ( to begin the initial establishment process for a Non-Credit Reform borrowing agreement.

Principal Transactions

All principal borrowing and repayment transactions should be submitted by borrowing agencies through the Agency Transaction Module of the Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS). For more information visit Obtaining access to CARS or call the Treasury Support Center (877-440-9476).

Interest Transactions

Borrowing agencies will need access to the Intra-governmental Payments and Collections (IPAC) System for non-principal transactions. For more information visit Obtaining access to the IPAC System or call the Treasury Support Center (877-440-9476).


Each month, FIBB posts a summary report containing outstanding principal debt and related interest balances for all borrowing accounts.  A monthly detailed report containing outstanding principal debt and related interest balances at the security level is available for each individual borrowing account.  These reports can be found on the Federal Borrowings Program Reports page.
